Every occupation has advantages and disadvantages. When deciding if driving a truck is a good career fit it is best to weigh carefully those disadvantages and advantages against your likes, dislikes, and what you know about yourself. Do you like to be by yourself? If not, long hours without people while driving may not be comfortable. Is patience one of your virtues, because loading and offloading may be an exercise in patience since what is imperative to you may not be to the shipper. You will fit into their schedule, not the other way around. So what exactly are the advantages and disadvantages of a truck driving career?
If driving a truck is the career path you choose, it has serious benefits as well as drawbacks like any other job. The biggest disadvantage seems to be loneliness while the biggest advantage is being able to see the country while getting paid to do a necessary service.
Regardless of what you are hauling someone, somewhere wants it and the way it gets from the manufacturer or grower to the individual or store is via truck. These are some of the advantages and disadvantages of a truck driving career.